The Lotus House 200hr Yoga School
At the heart of Lotus House of Yoga is community. We believe that every yogi who comes in our doors is ready for the path and we welcome you as you are! join a community of high vibrational humans.
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Welcome to the Lotus House of Yoga Teacher Training Program!
The Lotus House of Yoga 200 Hour Yoga school is now available online! Our incredible online 200 Hour Yoga school is accredited through Yoga Alliance and available for you to take your practice to the next level. Whether you desire to be a Yoga teacher or want to deepen your own personal practice, starting this journey is answering the call of the warrior.
This course offers over 75 videos covering a journey that begins with an external physical practice and moves inward to a place deep within your soul.
This training is a path to spiritual growth!
Before you take our 200 hour online yoga certification you are living the life society designed for you. You have met expectations but now yearn for more. You have struggled with helplessness, anxiety, and a stress drenched life. After you complete this training, you will feel empowered with the ability to design the life you want. You can innovate and pivot into a high vibrational life that is fulfilling and joyful.
Sign up now to get access to your path!
Your Instructor
I intend to bring the light! Energetic vibrations of fun run deep in my veins. My yoga practice began when I read a yoga book and begged my mom to teach me what she knew! I have been practicing for 20 years and to this day, it is the anchor of my life. I own Lotus House of Yoga, movement studios in Nebraska. The classes I lead are fun, challenging and filled with love. Music is integral to my life and teachings. My play-lists are funky and always fresh. In my class you will find the ancient and the modern, a whole lot of soul, and a commitment to the present.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat is Yoga? (6:55)
StartHIstory of Yoga (26:25)
StartSanskrit (77:33)
StartSanskrit Alphabet (15:51)
StartSanskrit Numbers (13:10)
StartSanskrit Common Words (16:39)
StartYoga Asanas (18:40)
StartYoga Sutras (18:42)
StartAstanga Yoga Eight Limbs of Yoga - Part 1 (20:22)
StartIntro to The 8 Limbs + The Yamas (32:23)
StartThe 8 Limbs: Niyamas (19:48)
StartThe 8 Limbs: 3-8 (107:43)
StartAsana-Samadhi (24:20)
StartYoga Philosophy: Dharma, the Eight Limbs + Sankalpa (182:39)
StartChanting (35:33)
StartPranayama (47:22)
StartMeditation (19:13)
StartYoga Philosoph: Bwell Lectures (209:39)